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Welcome to my Portfolio Page. To help understand my own artistic process I like to make work as collections or series. These serve to test and explore new ideas; each series leads directly to the next, though sometimes they over lap while they share ideas. 
I have arranged my Portfolio by series of work in chronological order and by discipline as well as which projects are currently live.

Predominatly I am interested in Iconography, particularly in painting. I hope this shows through in my work.

Please click an image below to see the contents of that series


Nose Art & Pinups

2015 - Present

Studies of original war time pin-ups as painted on military aircraft plus my own take on the classic subject.

*Under Construction*

Canvas Accoustics

2013 - Present

Testimony to modern iconography and musicians, of my own design.
Working with the images of musicians we all know and love; to team them with colours in a symbiotic nature to create portraits which are unique, colourful, engaging and contemplative.


2010 - Pressent

Introspection and internal conflict. Art as therapy.

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Graphic Design












2014 - Present

Digital design for a personal project.

Business and Advertising

2009 - Present

A few advertising and marketing projects I have worked on from 2009 until presently.

2009 - Present

Published album art for artists:

Calm for the Restless











Greed Generates Decay

2012 - 2012

Comissioned series for display at the 2012 Z-Day event in Singapore

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Urban Decay


Documenting urban decay at various locations throughout the UK including:
Ex-RAF Base
Mental Asylums
Model Farm 
Factory buildings

35mm/Medium Format/DSLR

2003 - Present

An on going discipline.

*Under Construction*

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Traditional Skills












2002 - Present

An on going discipline.

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